"Our family is like the branches of a tree.
We may grow in different directions
yet our roots remain as one.”
unlock your family's history!
Founded in 1749, Southampton County, Virginia owes its rich heritage to agriculture and forestry. As one of the counties birthed out of the early settlers of Virginia - it is a center of rich history and legacy as well.
In 2009, in cooperation with Circuit Court Clerk, Richard Francis, volunteers of the Brantley Association of America digitized most of the entire Southampton County court book collection from 1749 through the early 1880s and recruited volunteers across the nation to index some 60,000 pages, involving approximately one million names. It has been named "The Southampton Project" (SoH). All the images and initial indexes, are fruits from the SoH project and have made been made available online, for free.
See how it developed at www.brantleyassociation.com/pages/southampton_project.htm.
In 2018, with the approval of Brantley Association president, J. Kenneth Brantley and Circuit Court Clerk, Richard Francis, Rodney Hatfield combined the individual book indexes and added an advanced searchable spreadsheet with links attached to all the digital files hosted by the Brantley Association. The advanced tool now offers a search capability of all names of the entire index collection in one combined database file in addition to other advanced research journal features. The Brantley Association, Southampton County Probate Clerk, Richard Francis, as well as the volunteers who spent thousands of hours in the indexing of the books some 10 years ago, welcome and applaud the combined index and advanced tools presented in honor of Alfred Lee Hatfield.
For genealogists and historical researchers - this is an invaluable free tool for research purposes, note-taking, and digging deeper into the history of Southampton County. For more on the history of the county we encourage you to read more HERE
This database is dedicated to Alfred Lee Hatfield - an active resident of Southampton County where his family line directly relates back to the county's foundation in 1749. Hatfield's son, Rodney Hatfield, donated his time and programming to create this search tool. His donation of this tool is to honor his father, ALFRED LEE HATFIELD, and whose inspiration into researching his family's history was the catalyst to inspire the next generations to grab the torch and carry on.
You can read more about ALFRED LEE HATFIELD by clicking on the button below.
In 2009, in cooperation with Circuit Court Clerk, Richard Francis, volunteers of the Brantley Association of America digitized most of the entire Southampton County court book collection from 1749 through the early 1880s and recruited volunteers across the nation to index some 60,000 pages, involving approximately one million names. It has been named "The Southampton Project" (SoH). All the images and initial indexes, are fruits from the SoH project and have made been made available online, for free.
See how it developed at www.brantleyassociation.com/pages/southampton_project.htm.
In 2018, with the approval of Brantley Association president, J. Kenneth Brantley and Circuit Court Clerk, Richard Francis, Rodney Hatfield combined the individual book indexes and added an advanced searchable spreadsheet with links attached to all the digital files hosted by the Brantley Association. The advanced tool now offers a search capability of all names of the entire index collection in one combined database file in addition to other advanced research journal features. The Brantley Association, Southampton County Probate Clerk, Richard Francis, as well as the volunteers who spent thousands of hours in the indexing of the books some 10 years ago, welcome and applaud the combined index and advanced tools presented in honor of Alfred Lee Hatfield.
For genealogists and historical researchers - this is an invaluable free tool for research purposes, note-taking, and digging deeper into the history of Southampton County. For more on the history of the county we encourage you to read more HERE
This database is dedicated to Alfred Lee Hatfield - an active resident of Southampton County where his family line directly relates back to the county's foundation in 1749. Hatfield's son, Rodney Hatfield, donated his time and programming to create this search tool. His donation of this tool is to honor his father, ALFRED LEE HATFIELD, and whose inspiration into researching his family's history was the catalyst to inspire the next generations to grab the torch and carry on.
You can read more about ALFRED LEE HATFIELD by clicking on the button below.
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NEW IN 2020 - Special thanks to the help of Wallace Harrison
Wallace has volunteered his time and expertise to add a new feature this year to the search database - "Live Direct Links" to images in each book directly from search. He also helped with adding new sort of all records and organized by Last Name. Thank you Wallace for this great upgrade.
Wallace Harrison lives in Windsor VA and is a life-long resident of Southampton and Isle of Wight Counties. His family settled in southeast VA in the 1600’s and among his direct ancestors are Beales, McLanes, Scotts, Carrs, Corbitts, Bradshaws, Langfords, and Wills. Since retiring from NASA in 2015, genealogy has been his principal hobby.
Wallace Harrison lives in Windsor VA and is a life-long resident of Southampton and Isle of Wight Counties. His family settled in southeast VA in the 1600’s and among his direct ancestors are Beales, McLanes, Scotts, Carrs, Corbitts, Bradshaws, Langfords, and Wills. Since retiring from NASA in 2015, genealogy has been his principal hobby.